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Prosvjedi protiv kontroverznih antipiratskih zakona za subotu su najavljeni i u Hrvatskoj. Naime, prosvjed protiv ACTA-e trebao bi se održati u Zagrebu, Rijeci i Osijeku.

Prosvjedi će se održati u subotu, 11. veljače 2012. godine, s početkom u 15 sati. Mjesto održavanja osječkog prosvjeda je Trg Ante Starčevića. Na prosvjed se poziva preko društvene mreže Facebook.

Organizatori pozivaju na mirno i nenasilno okupljanje te ističu da su nepoželjne bilo kakve oznake raznih političkih stranaka ili nevladinih udruga. Poželjna su, ali ne i obvezna, obilježja međunarodne hakerske skupine Anonymous. Unaprijed se ograđuju od pojedinaca ili grupa, koje će ovaj prosvjed željeti iskoristiti za neke druge ciljeve, osim za borbu protiv ACTA-e jer, kažu, takvih ljudi ima na svakom prosvjedu. Ponesite fotoaparate i kamere kako biste zabilježili ovaj događaj.

Osim u Hrvatskoj, prosvjed je za subotu najavljen u više od sto gradova diljem Europe.


Naime, ACTA (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) je u prijevodu Trgovinski sporazum protiv krivotvorenja. To je multilateralni sporazum koji predlaže međunarodne standarde za zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva. Sporazum je ispregovaran od strane Europske Unije, Australije, Novog Zelanda, Kanade, Koreje, Japana, Meksika, Maroka, SAD-a, Singapura i Švicarske, u koordinaciji s određenim dijelovima gospodarstva. Kontroverzan je, kako zbog svog sadržaja tako i zbog postupka donošenja.

Opširnije o ACTA-i pročitajte u brošuri:

Upute za izradu guy fawkes maske (Anonymous):

Peticiju protiv ACTA-e možete potpisati u nastavku:

Foto: flickr.com

 Stranica prilagođena ispisu
02-08-2012 12:34:10 pm :: nake_rado
Očekuje se uzavrela masa od pedesetak entuzijasta. Ili će me Osijek iznenadit osijek031.com smile
02-08-2012 01:48:41 pm :: WalterWolf
ja dolazim makar se lopatom probijao
Re: Trg Ante Starčevića: Prosvjed "Stop ACTA" - prosvjed za spas interneta i u Osijeku!
02-08-2012 01:52:55 pm :: josephine01
Čim sam pročitala da je "ACTA dogovorena iza zatvorenih vratiju" odustala sam od čitanja.
02-08-2012 02:41:45 pm :: OunknownO
nitko be bi trebao dolaziti nego bi svi trebali poduprijeti actu, zato što vlada zna što je najbolje za nas, i nikada ne smijete sumnjati u autoritet
02-08-2012 02:48:11 pm :: bob11
OunknownO je napisao/la: ›
nitko be bi trebao dolaziti nego bi svi trebali poduprijeti actu, zato što vlada zna što je najbolje za nas, i nikada ne smijete sumnjati u autoritet

o bože šta ti pričaš??nadam se da se šališ!

mislim da kod nas ljudi nemaju pojma šta im taj zakon donosi i misla da ih se to netiće kao i većina stvari!neznaju da im taj zakon ugrožava osnovnu slobodu!pa bogati al staviš na facebook neku sliku mogu te tužiti za povredu autorskih prava i takve stvari,pa to je bolesno!!!

02-08-2012 02:53:50 pm :: Osijek u <3
Nece kontam bit puno ljudi no svi ce ,ako se potpise, govoriti "a to je to sto dobivam kazne za bilo sta da napravim, pa da sam znao otisao bih na prosvijed"
02-08-2012 02:56:57 pm :: Stella1989
Potpisala ju prije nekoliko dana. Zanima me koliko će peticija biti reprezentativna kad su jedini podaci koji se traže: ime, prezime, e-mail adresa, država i poštanski broj.

Ljudi mogu jedni druge potpisivati, kao da to nije problem. Ivo Ivić potpiše u ime Pere Perića. Može bilo tko sjesti i potpisati u ime 10 ljudi..? Jel netko od vas pokušavao dvaput? Jeste mogli ili ne daju više puta preko iste IP ili MAC adrese? Pratila sam nove potpisnike, i bilo je 10-ak Njemaca koji su, navodno jedan za drugim, u istom trenutku potpisivali. How yes no!

Evo što mi je stiglo danas na mail, kome se da nek pročita:
On Saturday, Syria’s brutal forces killed one of Avaaz’s brave citizen journalists as he pulled people from the rubble of a deadly massacre in Homs. Omar was just 23 and he died as he lived, photographing the regime’s crimes, helping others and sacrificing for freedom.

As you read this, the regime is murdering men, women and children and tearing cities apart. China and Russia just handcuffed international action at the UN and gave Assad license to unleash his murder machine to crush the Syrian Spring once and for all. Omar’s friend just wrote to us -- his community is determined, but they are urgently asking for our help: “We’re heartbroken, but his death will not be in vain, we will carry on the fight, but we need your support.”

Let’s be clear -- as embassies close, medical agencies withdraw and journalists pull out, Avaaz has the only network that is both smuggling medical equipment and journalists in and images and information out. Avaaz just received a list of urgent needs: medical equipment for doctors in makeshift hospitals; more cameras and computers to keep informing the world; money for power and transport; safe houses for people to take refuge; and continued international action in support. Click here to chip in now -- if 20,000 of us donate now, we can get help to the besieged towns before the next attack:


For months, Omar, a civil engineering student, photographed Syrian forces brutally killing peaceful protesters and sent the images out to the global media through Avaaz. After the regime kicked the international media out, Omar was one of more than 400 activists who risked their lives to work with Avaaz to break the news blackout and help 18 of the world’s leading journalists from foreign news outlets into the locked-down country. It’s likely that the images you have seen on your TV or photographs in your newspaper came from this courageous team.

But that is just a part of what the Avaaz project has done. Thanks to the generous support of members across the world, Avaaz is providing a rare lifeline of strategic and critical support to the democracy movement in Syria. When activists told us medicines were running out, we set up a smuggling network to deliver over $1.8 million worth of medical equipment into the country, saving thousands of lives. When the Syrian National Council was struggling to present a credible leadership alternative to the world, we organized meetings in the UN, Russia and across Europe to support their efforts.

Day after day, these heroes have turned out to protest, facing down tanks with no support from international governments. But what happens in the next two weeks will be decisive. This is the pinnacle of the Arab Spring and the global struggle against brutal despots. Together we can secure a lifeblood to the resistance and walk with the brave Syrian people on their journey to freedom. Click to make a life-saving donation now:


This year people power in the Middle East has taught the world an important lesson -- together we are stronger than the fiercest dictator, and stronger than the most ruthless army. On the streets of Syria, Avaaz is a beloved partner in the struggle for freedom. As one opposition leader put it, “the Syrian people have gained strength from knowing that the world, through the Avaaz community, stands with them.” Together, we have made the impossible, possible and with our help Assad’s regime will come to end.

With hope and determination,

Alice, Ian, Antonia, Emma, Ricken, Morgan, Wissam, Sam, Bissan, Will and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

A Doctor’s Cry for Help as Homs Victims Pour In to a Medical Center [Warning: This is a graphic video not suitable for sensitive viewers]

At Least 200 Reported Killed in Syrian City of Homs (Washington Post)

Homs: Bloody Winter in Syria’s Revolution Capital (CNN)

Anger After Russia, China Block UN Action on Syria (Reuters)

Syria Crackdown: Homs Bombarded, Dozens Kills (Huffington Post/Reuters)

Zanima me mišljenje Leteceg mungosa u vezi ACTA-e i ove peticije. Wink

Btw, maloprije skontah da se Osama Bin Laden vratio iz mrtvih samo kako bi potpisao peticiju protiv ACTA-e. osijek031.com smile

02-08-2012 04:03:31 pm :: Frost
Vidimo se na trgu!

A vi što olako shvaćate ACTA-u... probajte malo proučiti što je ACTA i što ona znači za Internet, pa nam se možda i pridružite.
02-10-2012 12:27:38 am :: Night5talker
eno naš jebeni precednik potpiso potporu
02-10-2012 10:05:59 am :: Stella1989
Night5talker je napisao/la: ›
eno naš jebeni precednik potpiso potporu

Zar smo mogli što drugo i očekivati? Rolling Eyes
Re: Trg Ante Starčevića: Prosvjed "Stop ACTA" - prosvjed za spas interneta i u Osijeku!
02-10-2012 01:27:06 pm :: blozancic
Pa ako je nas predsjednik za ACTA-u, cemu onda razmisljati, mora da je to dobro...he he he
Re: Trg Ante Starčevića: Prosvjed "Stop ACTA" - prosvjed za spas interneta i u Osijeku!
02-10-2012 01:38:46 pm :: Spore
U koliko se donese taj zakon s jednom nogom si u diktaturi... Policija ce gledati kad prelazis granicu kompove i mobitele da ne prenosis pjesmu... Osim toga tko od nas ima novaca da kupuje CD-ove od precjenjenih pjevaca... Osim toga internet nije privatno vlasnistvo da se moze cenzurirati...
02-10-2012 01:50:07 pm :: Stella1989
blozancic je napisao/la: ›
Pa ako je nas predsjednik za ACTA-u, cemu onda razmisljati, mora da je to dobro...he he he

Naravno, kao i ulazak u EU. Čeka nas med i mlijeko. How yes no!


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