I Love L.A.

Randy Newman

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This video is dedicated to the city that I was raised and live in. Los Angeles. One of the greatest cities on earth, so, here's to you LA. I LOVE L.A.I would also like to say that all the people shots (e.g. the fat lady and the teens having fun) were taken from some L.A. based website and or were photographed in the Los Angles region.Sorry about the "red head" in this video. It's hard to find one in a google image library, this one however was taken in CA and featured in the L.A. Times.I will also re-release this movie with a picture of Dodger's Stadium too. But this video will remain up. It still haunts me today that I did not include Dodger's, please don't send me comments asking why I did not include that, because I don't know.Update: The reason why there was not picture was because the original picture of Dodger's had been overrided by another picture of Hermosa Beach.


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Autor: I Love L.A.
Naziv: Randy Newman
Kategorija: 80s
Gledanja: 270
Postavio: Leon

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