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goan & smee

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Ukupno postova: 811
Lokacija: Zagreb
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 20.05.2006. 17:03 
Naslov:  goan & smee
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

A Cork Radio Station (in Ireland), was running a competition to find
contestants who could come up with words that were not found in any
English dictionary yet could still use these words in a sentence that
would make logical sense. The prize was a trip to Bali for a week. The
DJ, Neil, had many callers; the following two standing out:

DJ: 96FM, what's your name?
Caller: Hi, my name's Dave.
DJ: Dave, what's your word?
Caller: Goan, spelt G O A N, pronounced "go-an".
DJ: We are just checking that (pause) and you are correct, Dave, Goan
is certainly a word not found in the English dictionary. Now the next
question, for a trip to Bali, is, what sentence can you use that in
that would make logical sense?
Caller: Goan fuck yourself!

At this point the DJ cuts the caller short and announces that there is
no place for that sort of language on a family show. After many more
unsuccessful calls the DJ takes the following caller:

DJ: 96FM, what's your name?
Caller: Hi, my name's Jeff.
DJ: Jeff, what's your word?
Caller: Smee, spelt S M E E, pronounced "smee".
DJ: We are just checking that (pause) and you are correct, Jeff, Smee
is certainly a word not found in the English dictionary. Now the next
question, for a trip to Bali, is, what sentence can you use that in
that would make logical sense?
Caller: Smee again! Goan fuck yourself!

Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 20.05.2006. 17:05 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

staro. ipak me nasmijalo.
good one...

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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Ukupno postova: 811
Lokacija: Zagreb
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 20.05.2006. 17:08 
Naslov:  Re: goan & smee
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Znam da je staro, ali nisam se mogao sjetiti detalja kad sam ga se sjetio, pa reko' nek se ovako upamti za stalno. Smile

Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
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Ukupno postova: 4122
Lokacija: space
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 20.05.2006. 17:39 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

prvi put cujem i dobro je ;-)

Leon Linde
portal Osijek031.com
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 20.05.2006. 17:51 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

ma oi, nisam ja nista kritizirao. ma spaljen sam danas,pusti (mislio reci: e, vec sam cuo). isprika.

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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