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kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
ne zna se kako i zasto,ali nakon 30 godina provedenih u komi,zbog rascopane lubanje koju je uzrokovao pad komada
zeljeza u brodogradilistu,probudi se mujo.
na svecanom ispracaju,isporucise mu i ogromni racun.
na svu srecu,imao mujo u dzepu njegovu stotku,vrlo vrijedan komad papira.
uso mujo u pekaru veruda,kad ono komad kruha stoji dvije stoje;u hebote,opsova mujo.
sjeti se mujo,da je imao racun na banci,svoju ustedjevinu.
udje mujo u banku,i zatrazi nazad svojih deset hiljadarki.
ljepuskasta sluzbenica otvori njegov racun,te mu rece da po svojih pet para moze doci prekosutra.
muji,svom u cudu,bi objasnjeno da su troskovi odrzavanja racuna popapali skoro cijelu ustedjevinu.
mujo taman otvori usta da u sav glas,kad ga ogromni strazar grubo izbaci na ulicu.
nista nas nesmije iznenaditi ; ode mujo kod svog brokera koji ga neugodno iznenadi cinjenicom da nije imao srece na burzi,
sve je izgubio,popusio,nema nista.
mujo sav skrhan,proba i zadnju : skine svoju ogromnu tesku zlatnu narukvicu sa ruke i proda.
najede se mujo,da sve puca.napije se mujo,pa po onoj dobroj staroj,pocasti i cijeli restoran.
mujo se sutradan,za razliku "od jucer",probudi sav ispovracan u uglu jedne zabacene ulice;od prijatelja ni traga,ni glasa.
nemavsi gdje drugdje,uputi se mujo ponovo u brodogradiliste,na sljaku.
sljaka mujo od jutra do mraka.
za razliku "od jucer",na kraju mjeseca,porine mujino brodogradiliste 10,umjesto mujinog ocekivanog jednog broda.
mujo sav sretan stoji u redu za isplatu placa;kad ono lova dostatna za 10,umjesto nekadasnjih 20 izleta u restoran.
ispricase muji,a vidi on to i u novinama,da treba ulagati.
sljaka mujo sljaka,jede kruh i pije vodu,pa stavi neku lovu na stranu.
vremena su se promijenila,treba ulagati sigurno,upozorise ga.
kupi tako mujo od centralne banke drzavne obveznice,da im 10 milijardi novcanica,i sav sretan nakon godine dana dodje podignuti svoj dobitak.
nazalost,i ovoga puta mujo ustanovi,da sa dobitkom moze kupiti upola manje kruha nego prije 12 mjeseci.
naljuti se mujo i ode,ni ne podignuvsi svoj dobitak.
kako je mujinih 10 milijardi proslo kroz financijski izvjestaj centralne banke ?
-javni dug 110 milijardi
-pasiva centralne banke : 50 milijardi novcanica u opticaju
-0 obveznica javnog duga u aktivi centralne banke
-10 milijardi love nacrnjaka,koju treba nekako sistematizirati
akademki svijet se kune da ovih 10 milijardi biva unisteno,spaljeno.
kada bi ovo i bilo istina,kakve bi bile posljedice ?
-javni dug 110 milijardi
-pasiva centralne banke : 50 milijardi novcanica u opticaju
-10 milijardi novih materijalnih vrijednosti,stvorenih narodnom krvlju i znojem,kojima se nitko ne moze koristiti,jer fali ukupne
novcane mase za razmjenu.ah da,u medjuvremenu je izasao sluzbeni podatak : kao i uvijek do sada u zadnjih 30 godina,
drustveni se BDP i ovoga puta uvecao za okruglih 5 %.
monetarna politika je sve drugo,osim objasnjena,razjasnjena i predstavljena narodu,
kao uostalom i cijela 1+1=5 , nauka zvana ekonomija. |
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
Kajin: Reforma lokalne samouprave pogodit će "uspješne općine i gradove"
"Ispada da se u ovoj zemlji ne isplati biti uspješan i da možeš profitirati samo ako ne radiš", rekao je Kajin.
Kajin drži da od velikih najava o sustavnoj borbi protiv korupcije neće biti ništa, da će i dalje stradavati "marginalci", dok će oni najviše ogrezli o korupciju "postati nedodirljivi stupovi društva". "Sve što čini vrh hrvatske politike je politički kriminal u cilju da se amnestira sav banditizam koji je opljačkao Hrvatsku", rekao je.
monetarna politika je sve drugo,osim objasnjena,razjasnjena i predstavljena narodu,
kao uostalom i cijela 1+1=5 , nauka zvana ekonomija.
The Last Days of the Dollar
understanding foreign exchange became a bit more complex. Today, to understand the world of currency, you need to think a little differently -- essentially because things don't make sense.
For example, today, the United States is perceived to be the richest country in the world. In reality, though, we're the biggest debtor nation in the world. And who are we indebted to? What many consider to be a Third World country: China.
US worry grows over China's $1 trillion stash
Bush: Cijeli svijet hoće Hrvatsku u NATO-u
Rumsfeld podržao ulazak Hrvatske u NATO
USAID Local Government Reform (LGRP)
USAID and 49 Croatian cities, towns and municipalities joined forces to improve public finance, procurement and asset management.
"Based on the Congressional Research Service, there is no provisions individual to pay an income tax." |
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
cijela tema u dva retka :
Ukupno postova: 4765 Lokacija: ... gdje caruje drugarstvo... Spol: Žensko
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
Izmišljeni ljudi mijenjaju svijet
Utječu na sve vidove života, od toga kako izgledamo, što jedemo i govorimo, a pomogli su i skrenuti tok povijesti. Jedini je problem što nisu stvarni. Vodeći među njima je Marlboro kauboj.
You're all collateral to the national debt.
Government itself produces no wealth. Flesh and blood people do. Your "strawman's" life and property have been
pledged as collateral for government debt!
Sanader : 'Siguran sam da bi Bush bio toplo dočekan u Hrvatskoj.' |
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
prava je brojka daleko veca,jer se pisalo svugdje i svagdje,
na hrvatskom,engleskom i talijanskom.
ti narode,ne kontas jedan klinac,
ti narode,ne vrijedis jedan klinac,
tebe narode,ne pitaju jedan klinac,
i to ne toliko zbog toga sto je dezurni politicar donjeo zakone u svoju korist,
vec zbog toga sto je debeljuskasti bankar zapovijedio da ti ne odlucujes o nicemu.
gdje zavrsava racan,pocinje sanader,o ostalima se brine mesic,i tako dalje u nedogled.
ovo su moje dvije omiljene teme za diskusiju,u kojima je do detalja opisano na koji to nacin rade.
zasto to rade,upitajte njih.
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
Putin on alleged rapist Israel President: Katsav "turned out to be quite a powerful man. He raped 10 women.
I never expected it from him. He surprised all of us. We all envy him.
Pope Protects Pedophile Priests
Pedophile Priests - Devils In Disguise
The limits of liberty: We're all suspects now:
Identity cards. Number-plate surveillance. CCTV. Control orders. The list of ways in which the Government has sought to manipulate and define the limits of our liberty grows ever longer.
Cijeli Balkan slobodniji od Hrvatske:
Na ljestivici slobode medije Reportere bez granica Hrvatska dijeli 53. mjesto s Bocvanom, Tongom i Sjedinjenim Državama.
Golem pad doživjela je i Danska.Japan je pao za 14 mjesta.Francuska je u zadnjih pet godina pala za 24 mjesta.
U EUROZONI (25 ZEMALJA) NA 63,2% SA 62,4%
...trebao bi biti više nego dovoljan mamac mještanima Bala (osnivačima društva), ali i "prijateljima Bala" - kako se nazivaju budući novi ulagači, da pozitivno odgovore na poziv za iskorištavanje prava na dokapitalizaciju društva.
Cilj dokapitalizacije:pošto istekne dvije godine od osnivanja, preoblikovati ga u dioničko društvo koje će ići u prvu kotaciju.
Vedran Velenik ; pitanja,odgovori i komentari
Eurozone 'growth' fails to impress ECB
Instead of reform, it is Italian politics as usual
Debt blow adds to headaches for Prodi
Prodi's latest wobble
Prodi coalition faces budget showdown |
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
If money becomes credit, then the question is, "Who is the owner of the credit?"
Citat: ›
“The roots of knowledge are bitter, but its fruit are sweet.” — Cicero
To nije porezna reforma, to je kozmetika.
You don’t cost the government money, the government costs you money!
"It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in currency. Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens the usurer, and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the Government were no good, then the bonds issued would be no good either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to increase the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious values of gold."
"Look at it another way. If the Government issues bonds, the brokers will sell them. The bonds will be negotiable; they will be considered as gilt edged paper. Why? Because the government is behind them, but who is behind the Government? The people. Therefore it is the people who constitute the basis of Government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency on Muscle Shoals, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people's credit in interest-bearing bonds?"--Thomas Edison
What is most surprising, not only for a jurist, but, more so, for the ordinary reader of legislative texts, is to discover that there are no considerations about who is the owner of the money, at the act of issue, to be found in any legal ordinance.
If we do not establish, who is the owner of money, with respect to the original title of ownership, at the act of issue, we cannot distinguish between debtor and creditor, which illustrates the gravity of a legislative deficiency that can no longer be tolerated.
All money in circulation is burdened, with debt, to the central banks. Therefore, if someone wants to pay off a debt of money, with money, it would be the same as paying a debt, with another debt. IT CANNOT BE DONE. In the long run, he is forced to pay with his own capital and with the produce of his labour.
With the discovery of induced value as a legal value, it is not only proven that money must be considered, as the property of the national community, but, also, that, currently, the central bank, by loaning out, what is in fact due, imposes a cost of 200% on money, at the act of issue: the initial 100%, because it expropriates the community of the induced value (only an owner can lend money), and a further 100% by forcing the national community into debt, to the same extent.
Furthermore, it is also evident that banks, and other credit institutions, "create" money, in a surreptitious way. Applying the principle of so-called credit multiplication, they lend money in an increased proportion, to the sums, which have been deposited with them. For example, they lend 100% with a 2% monetary liquidity reserve. It is evident that a bank can lend money, which it does not have, to an amount of 98% of the loan.This principle of credit multiplication expropriates the people, and causes debts, to the extent of the induced value as explained above, thus, it results in "debt multiplication".
As a result of these practices, the people of the world have been dispossessed of their own money, forced into debt, without receiving anything in return.
The system of "fictitious money":
it is based on a confusion in thinking; that it creates a state of permanent indebtedness; that it leads to national impoverishment rather than prosperity; that it results in price inflation; and that it inevitably leads to bank runs and then to systemic banking crises; and that it unjustly redistributes wealth from the honest and industrious to bankers and their accomplices.
Money and debt are as opposite in nature as fire and water; money extinguishes debt as water extinguishes fire.
When a bank loans creates debt currency, the actual money itself serves as money, while the debt created by loaning the money also circulates as money:there cannot be two values in the same item of capital; one in the commodity and another in the obligation to deliver it; one in money, and another in the promise to pay it.
All fractional reserve systems generate price inflation.
25.10.2006. nastavljen je rast zaduženja opće države,Dug veći za 5 milijardi.
How about a bond - a promissory note written by politicians against their ability to extract taxes in the future - who gives value to the bond? Does the banker give value to the bond, or the people who work to pay off the bond?
Porezna opterećenja na rad u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj i Belgiji premašila 50%
U Belgiji je porezno opterećenje iznosilo 55,4%, u Njemačkoj 51,8%, u Francuskoj 50,1%.
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
Najskuplja dionica na svijetu
Dionica tvrtke Berkshire Hathaway u većinskom vlasništvu Warrena Buffeta, čija je cijena nedavno prešla vrijednost od sto tisuća dolara, najskuplja je dionica na svijetu.
minimim kupoprodaje je 10 dionica.
BUFFET: savjetnici primaju place,ovisno o cijeni jedne jedine dionice.
ako bi dionicu od 100.000 $ rezao na 100 novih,svaka po 1000 $,
Stock market volatility, which measures market jitters, is near all-time lows. Stocks themselves, as measured by the Dow, are at an all-time high. The U.S. government, the biggest debtor in world history, is still able to borrow money for more than ten years at less than 5% interest, even though consumer price inflation is currently near 3 percent. And foreigners still take U.S. paper dollars at par - China now has one trillion of them in reserve - even though the country runs a banana-republic-sized trade deficit - equal to 7% of GDP.
What’s happened to the world
America and the Dollar Illusion-click
Predsjednik evropske centralne banke,Jean-Claude Trichet:
sve je veci inflacijski rizik za 2007 godinu,povecanje kamata ostaje obavezno.
evropska centralna banka ce najpazljivije kontrolirati sva trzista i dogadjaje,kako bi na duzi rok osigurala stabilnost cijena.
Predsjednik evropske centralne banke ne iskljucuje pojacanje kontrole nad hedge funds-ima,ali ih odbija kriminalizirati kao konstantni uzrok nestabilnosti.
mislim kako je neposteno ne prisjetiti se njihove ulogu u jacanju trzisne likvidnosti. |
Leon Admin
Ukupno postova: 4122 Lokacija: space Spol: Muško
Leon Admin
Ukupno postova: 4122 Lokacija: space Spol: Muško
kantautor Ukupno postova: 203 Spol: Nebitno
VIDEO : Poor Blacks Losing Their Homes Because Of WATER Bills
David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States Government Accountability Office:
"You can't solve a problem until the majority of the people believe you have a problem that needs to be solved,"
America The Bankrupt
Plunge Protection Team
Why central banking is 'barbarous':
1. Corruption of Money as a Product of the Free Market,2. Creation of Money Substitutes,3. Secrecy,4. Taxation Without Representation,
5. Disinformation,6. Deception,7. Creation of Command and Control Economies,8. Propagation of Control and Restrictions,9. Debt over Savings,10. Fostering Economic Fragility Worldwide
Central banking: relic of empire, nationalism and war
World Development Movement [WDM] declared ’security risk’ by World Bank |